4th Meeting of the Kazakhstan Canada Business Council
We are pleased to announce the 4th KCBC Meeting: "Post pandemic development of Kazakhstan and Canada Cooperation. Recovery and development", the Working Group meetings will be followed by the WGs Chairs Reports Session, Day I, on November 25th 2020that will be held VIRTUALLY, due to the COVID-19 pandemic traveling restrictions.
The Forum will comprise of 5 Working Groups meetings:
1 Aerospace & Transportation - November 12th, 2020
2. Energy & Natural Resources - November 16th, 2020
3. Construction & Infrastructure - November 17th, 2020
4. Healthcare & Education - November 19th, 2020
5. Agriculture & Ag-Tech - November 23rd, 2020
The IV KCBC Virtual Meeting will showcase trade and cooperation between Kazakhstan and Canada, focusing on discussing opportunities and challenges related to a variety of industry fields. It will also convene leading government officials, diplomats, scholars and experts of various fields. The Meeting will also convene leading government officials, diplomats, scholars and experts in various fields.
About KCBC:
Creating a Kazakhstan Canada Business Council (KCBC) has been one of the key measures to promote bilateral business ties between Canada and Kazakhstan.
Given that the uranium industry occupies the leading position in bilateral cooperation, CEO of Kazatomprom (former) Askar Zhumagaliyev and President and CEO of Cameco Corporation Tim Gitzel agreed to become co-chairs of the Business Council (representing the Kazakh side and the Canadian side, respectively). Mr. Gitzel is a member of the Foreign Investors Council, which operates under the President of Kazakhstan's auspices. The main goal of the KCBC is to promote cooperation, trade and investment between companies and organizations of Kazakhstan and Canada. The KCBC is comprised of Canadian and Kazakhstani businesses meeting once every 2 years (alternating between Kazakhstan and Canada) to address issues pertinent to cooperation and bilateral trade between the two countries.
The council is supported by both sides' governments and forms a platform to promote a stronger and more multi-faceted relationship between Canada and Kazakhstan.
Don't hesitate to reach out with your questions and partnership/sponsorship proposals to Taskyn Koshman at: taskyn@cerbanet.org.